Mission & Ministry Blog

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lay Leadership Days - Schedule

9:30                        coffee
10:00                     Welcome, sharing expectations, housekeeping
10:05                     Experiencing the Present Challenges of the Church
10:20                     Worshipful Reflection
10:30                     Leading the Church as it Faces These Challenges
10:50                     Feedback to larger group
11:00                     Discerning the attributes of a missional leader?
11:15                     Seven Characteristics of a Missional Leader
11:45                     Lunch
12:30                     Worshipful Reflection
12:40                     What is required of us?  Where do we need to be going?
1:10                        Feedback to larger group
1:25                        What is happening with Strategic Plan
1:55                        Feedback - How do you see the strategic plan unfolding in your own parish/area? (parish          groups)
2:25                        Resources for Congregational Development
2:45                        Worshipful reflection (What I am going to do)
2:55                        Evaluate the day
3:00                        Head home

Monday, December 5, 2011

Clergy Day Agenda - January 19, 2012

Clergy Day – January 19, 2012
9:15 a.m.              Coffee, Registration
9:45 a.m.              Worship
10:00 a.m.           Guest Speaker – The Rev. Paul Borthistle
                                Theme: Building the Bridge as you Walk                                                              Upon It!
Finding strategic direction for a parish is giving shape and form to the call of God’s Spirit in the life of the parish as we together answer God’s call to mission.  It celebrates where God has been present and invites us more deeply into God’s future.
Our time together will focus on hearing the parish story and voice and assessing our mission and our resources.  We will use the resources of the Appreciative Way (Appreciative Inquiry) as tools to open the parish to God’s preferred future.
Bio for the Rev. Paul Borthistle
Paul is currently the interim priest at St. Mary – Kerrisdale in the Diocese of New Westminster.  For ten years (2000 to 2010) he served as the Director for Parish Support Ministries in the diocese.  During this time he worked extensively with parishes and the diocese in developing tools and processes for determining and actualizing strategic direction.  He is a ‘third career’ priest, having prior careers in lay ministry and business before becoming a parish priest in 1990.
Paul is a practitioner of the Appreciative Way (applied Appreciative Inquiry) as he seeks out what is the best that we have to offer to God, neighbour and ourselves
12:15 p.m.           Lunch
1:00 p.m.             Conclusion of Paul Borthistle’s  presentation
1:30 p.m.             Introduction to Capital Campaign (Richard Salt)
1:40 p.m.             Stewardship Conversation (John Robertson)
2:00 p.m.             Capital Campaign details (Amanda Gellman)
2:15 p.m.             Small groups focusing on how to go back to the parish and set priorities for the capital campaign
3:00 p.m.             Report back session with Amanda, John and Richard co-facilitating
3:30 p.m.             Homeward Bound

Alban - Building Up Congregations and Their Leaders

Alban - Building Up Congregations and Their Leaders

Monday, November 28, 2011

Communication #3 from the Strategic Plan Implementation Group

The Strategic Plan Implementation Group met for the third time on Thursday November 24, 2011.  The group heard a report about the work of the Director for Mission and Ministry.  Final reports are still to come from the sub-groups established to look at the criteria for the distribution of grants and loans and with regard to recommendations to Diocesan Council about the establishment of new columbaria and scattering grounds. 

There was considerable discussion about the subject of congregational development as the SPIG recognizes that the future of the diocese ultimately depends on the health of the local congregations.  A variety of programs and methods for aiding congregational planning were discussed.  Archdeacon Kim Van Allen described the work of the diocesan congregational coaches and their approach to planning using the Appreciative Inquiry method.  Archdeacon Salt explained that the Diocese of Toronto was having some success using the Natural Church Development program in conjunction with Appreciative Inquiry coaching.  Additionally Robert Schnare’s “Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations” was brought forward as a method of assisting congregations in their planning process.  It was agreed that more conversation would be held about this matter but that a variety of approaches would be useful.

Schedules were finalized for the Lay Leadership Days to be held in early 2012 and for the Clergy Day to be held January 19th.  After a lively discussion it was recommended that the Lay Leadership Days be for lay people only.  Schedules for the two days will be posted on this blog separately.  The Lay Leadership Day will be held in four different locations in the Diocese with participants being able to attend the day closest to them.  The day will be held in Windsor on February 11th ; in London on March 24th ; in Waterloo on April 14th and in Clarksburg on May 5th

There was continued discussion about the formation of ordinands and about “Right Person – Right Place” (getting the right people in the right jobs.)  As there was not time to draw these discussions to a conclusion it was agreed that they would be the primary agenda  items for the next meeting.

The group accepted with regret the resignation, due to personal reasons, of Paul Knowles as Vice-chair.  Jane Cartier agreed to act as vice-chair and Archdeacon Salt stated that someone to represent the Waterloo archdeaconry would be recruited and appointed to the SPIG.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Communication #2 From The Strategic Plan Implementation Group

The Strategic Plan Implementation Group met on Thursday October 27, 2011 with a full agenda.  During the meeting the Group:

  • Heard a report from the Venerable Richard Salt about his ministry during the past month.
  • Heard feedback from around the diocese about the progress of The Prodigal God study.  The feedback was largely positive. An evaluation sheet that will be sent to clergy toward the end of the study was reviewed.
  • Discussed possible canonical changes as it related to the realignment, reorganization and disestablishment of parishes and about the governance of large multi-point parishes. Further work will be done on this matter.  
  • Was requested to propose a policy to the Bishops and the Diocesan Council about the advisability of the establishment of new columbaria and scattering grounds for ashes in and on church property.  After a lively discussion of the matter a small group was appointed to consider the matter and to report back to the larger committee.
  • Heard the plans for the two Clergy Days to be held in the first half of 2012 and continued its discussion of the agenda for the Lay Leadership days to be held in the new year.  Each of the clergy days will be split into two sections with one part of the agenda dealing with the plans for a capital campaign for the diocese and the other part looking at Three P's of Strategic Planning.  The Rev. Paul Borthistle from the Diocese of New Westminster will be the theme speaker for the January clergy day.
  • Responded positively to a request to appoint one of its members to join a committee established by A & F to look at Guidelines for responding to requests for Grants and Loans.
  • Heard presentations from The Venerable Willi Kammerer and Canon Sue Tite about the current processes used to discern the vocation of those who present themselves as candidates for ordination and about the current practices used for the selection and appointment of clergy to parishes. In light of the second major thrust of the strategic plan (focus on human resources) a lively conversation ensued about the needs of the diocese and how the discerning and training process of new ordinands could better serve those needs. This work on thrust #2 of the strategic plan will continue at the next meeting.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Communication #1 from the Strategic Plan Implementation Group

The new Strategic Plan Implementation Group met together for the first time on Thursday September 22nd.  The Group will meet regularly on the fourth Thursday of the month.  It was agreed that a communication would be sent to the Diocese following each meeting via missionconversations.blogspot.com with a link provided to the site in the Sunday announcements.  The Director for Mission and Ministry will also report regularly to the Diocesan Council and to the whole diocese through the Huron Church News. 

The Group spent much of its first meeting getting to know one another and being updated by The Venerable Richard Salt as to what steps have been taken and what has been accomplished during the first five months of his new ministry to the Diocese. Among many other things Richard reported that he had initiated the Prodigal God Study which will take place widely across the diocese during the six weeks following Thanksgiving and held a clergy day to prepare the clergy for the study; consulted with the Archdeacons and Executive Staff to establish some priorities for the use of financial and time resources;  worked with the Bishop’s and Archdeacons to develop guidelines for motions coming to Diocesan Council regarding the disestablishment, reorganizing and realigning of congregations and parishes; and has started conversations about planning for the future with a number of  congregations.

Later in the meeting the Group spent some time discussing the possible direction for and content of the proposed Lay Leadership Day that will be held in four different locations in the diocese in early 2012.

Finally the group elected John Thorpe as their chair and Paul Knowles as their vice-chair.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Book Review - Ministry in Three Dimensions

Ministry in Three Dimensions – by Stephen Croft

In his book “Ministry in Three Dimensions” Stephen Croft examines the work of ordained ministry in light of our changing culture and circumstances.  He traces the biblical roots of the three-fold ministry of diakonia, presbyter and episcope and then points out how these roles have changed and developed over the centuries as the needs of the church have changed. He points out that authentic ministry that meets the needs of today’s church has elements of the traditional work of all three orders.  Personally I believe that those of us who are priests have not fully developed the various dimensions of the ministry we are called to. We were all ordained deacons and yet most of us considered it a transitory place and did not come to fully embrace the role of servanthood that deacons are called to.  The fact that we remain deacons after being priested does not always continue to form us as it should. Similarly, if we have grown up in the church of the 20th century we do not always see the need to provide locally the vision and leadership that have traditionally been the role of the episcope.  Croft’s book is a good read that encourages all who are ordained to reexamine what their ministry is about and how it needs to develop and grow to meet the challenges of the 21st century. 

- Richard Salt

Mission & Ministry Book Reviews

In an effort to help clergy and interested lay people of the diocese with their continuing education we have set up this blog for Mission & Ministry which will be the home of book reviews.  A first review has been placed with an invitation to others to make a contribution.  If you have read a book lately that you would recommend to others you are invited to send a review to rsalt@huron.anglican.ca.  All submissions will be considered although not all submissions may be posted.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Looking Forward to the Prodigal God Conversation

The Diocese of Huron is preparing to enter into a dialogue about its mission and ministry using The Prodigal God study by Tim Keller as a way of drawing us in. I hope that this blog will be a place where people can share some of the insights, questions and good news stories that the study is generating.  Please remember to be positive and full of grace in all you share.  All comments will be reviewed by a moderator before being posted.

Richard Salt

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The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron
190 Queens Avenue
London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 6H7